Board of Directors
The RCED board is made up of twelve voting members. Three voting members from each of the three Republic County Commissioner Districts and one member appointed by Republic County Commissioners, one by City of Belleville and one at large position.
David Blecha | Munden, KS – Chairman #1
Edwin Splichal | Republic County Commission Chairman, Munden, KS – Commission Appointee
David Douglas | Courtland, KS – #2
Adam Robertson | Mayor, Belleville, KS – City Council Appointee
Waylon Sheetz | At Large Business/Industry – #3
Eli Ohlde | At Large Business/Industry – #3
Jenny Russell | Director
Mikel Hadachek | Astra Bank, Belleville, KS – Treasurer #3
OPEN | Cuba, KS – #1
Laura Leite | Republic, KS – #2
Jeff Thompson | Scandia, KS – #2
Robin Carlson | At Large Business/Industry
OPEN | District #1
Tami Knedler | USD 109, Belleville, KS
Estel Edwards | Narka, KS
Barry Bottger | Republic County Hospital, Belleville, KS
Keith Anderson | New Century Bank
Catherine Doud | Belleville Chamber and Main Street
Rod Woods | NCK Industrial Development
Glenda Trecek | Agenda, KS
Mike Gritten | USD 416, Scandia, KS
Justin Trost | United Bank and Trust
Tyler Ottensmeier | Citizen’s National Bank
Macy Hynek & Wade Reh | River Valley Extension
Randy Hansen | At Large Business/Industry
Ex-Officio, NON VOTING
Adam Anderson | Belleville City Manager
Deb Sasser | KREP Radio
Robert Mainquist | Courtland Journal Newspaper
Jimmie Blecha | Past President
John Shea | North Central Kansas Regional Planning
Deb Hedachek | Belleville Telescope Newspaper
Harley Schuster | Architectural Lead – RCED